Δρακωνάκη Έλενα

Ακτινολόγος, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια Ανατομίας Ιατρικής Σχολής Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης. Πρόεδρος Επιτροπής Εκπαίδευσης ESSR.













August 1994

August 2000

Medical School of the National (Kapodistrian) University of Athens, Greece

Degree in Medicine Magna Cum Laude (2000)

Licence to Practice (2000)

October 2001

June 2002

Research Assistant at the Dept of Virology, University of Crete, Greece


July 2002

May 2008

Residency in Radiology,

University Hospital of Heraklion, Greece

Clinical Radiology Specialist (2008)



Attachment in Skeletal Radiology Birmingham Univ. Hospitals NHS Trust, UK.


December 2005

December 2008

PhD research

(University of Crete, Greece)


PhD diploma (2008)

Sept 2007

Sept 2014

Training for European Society of Skeletal Radiology Diploma

ESSR Diploma in Skeletal Radiology

August 2008

September 2009

Consultant Radiologist Venizeleion General Hospital, Heraklion, Greece


September 2009

December 2009

Part-time Fellow in Skeletal Radiology, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford Univ Hospitals NHS Trust, Οxford, UK


in Skeletal Radiology

September 2009

December 2009

Fellow in PET-CT Oncologic Imaging, Churchill Cancer Centre Oxford Univ Hospitals NHS Trust, Οxford, UK


in Oncologic Imaging

February 2010

February 2011

Post-Doctoral Research Grant from the Hellenic National Grants Foundation for research at the University Hospital of Heraklion, Greece

Post Doc Diploma (2010)

March 2010

March 2011

Consultant Radiologist Venizeleion General Hospital Heraklion, Greece


December 2013

December 2016

Honorary Consultant in Radiology, Oxford Univ Hospitals NHS Trust, Οxford, UK


March 2011


Private Practice in Heraklion




Lecturer, Medical School,

European University Cyprus


June 2021


Chairperson, Education

Committee of the European

Society Skeletal Radiology


24 June 2022


Assistant Professor in Anatomy

Univ of Crete Medical School







2005-2008: PhD RESEARCH

PhD thesis from the Medical School of the University of Crete entitled: “Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for quantification of bone marrow and visceral iron load in transfusion-dependent thalassemic patients and correlation with the chelation protocols” (PhD certificate on 25/2/2009).



Post doctoral research grand for 12 months awarded by the Hellenic National Institution of Grands and Awards for the research protocol entitled: “Diffusion weighted MR imaging, Ultrasonography and Ultrasound Elastography in soft tissue tumours: imaging features with pathologic correlation.






·>77 Pubmed papers

  • >2937 Scopus citations, Scopus H -index >21

·>70 presentations in international meetings

·>40 invited talks-lectures

  • Reviewer in >20 Pubmed Journals
  • Special Issue Editor for the Journal of Ultrasonography (US MSK Anatomy and Related Diseases)
  • Contibution to 2 Books (“Handbook of image-guided intra and extra-articular Musculo-skeletal injections” edited by M Obradov- Springer, “Ultrasound Guided injections” by G. Allen, D. Wilson, Elsevier & Expert Consult.com)






Guidelines on Ultrasound Elastography by the Εuropean Federation of Ultrasound Societies in Medicine and Biology (ΕFSUΜΒ)

  1. Bamber J, Cosgrove D, Dietrich CF, Fromageau J, Bojunga J, Calliada F, Cantisani V, Correas JM, D'Onofrio M, Drakonaki EE, Fink M, Friedrich-Rust M, Gilja OH, Havre RF, Jenssen C, Klauser AS, Ohlinger R, Saftoiu A, Schaefer F, Sporea I, Piscaglia F. EFSUMB guidelines and  recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and technology. Ultraschall Med. 2013;34:169-84.
  2. Cosgrove D, Piscaglia F, Bamber J, Bojunga J, Correas JM, Gilja OH, Klauser AS, Sporea I, Calliada F, Cantisani V, D'Onofrio M, Drakonaki EE, Fink M, Friedrich-Rust M, Fromageau J, Havre RF, Jenssen C, Ohlinger R, Săftoiu A, Schaefer F, Dietrich CF. EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 2: Clinical applications. Ultraschall Med. 2013;34:238-53.

Consensus Papers by the European Society of Skeletal Radiology (ESSR)

  1. Sconfienza LM, Albano D, Allen G, Bazzocchi A, Bignotti B, Chianca V, Facal de Castro F, Drakonaki EE, Gallardo E, Gielen J, Klauser AS, Martinoli C, Mauri G, McNally E, Messina C, Mirón Mombiela R, Orlandi D, Plagou A, Posadzy M, de la Puente R, Reijnierse M, Rossi F, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Z, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Tagliafico AS. Clinical indications for musculoskeletal ultrasound updated in 2017 by European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) consensus. Eur Radiol. 2018;28:5338-5351.
  2. Sconfienza LM, Adriaensen M, Albano D, Allen G, Aparisi Gómez MP, Bazzocchi A, Beggs I, Bignotti B, Chianca V, Corazza A, Dalili D, De Dea M, Del Cura JL, Di Pietto F, Drakonaki E, Facal de Castro F, Filippiadis D, Gielen J, Gitto S, Gupta H, Klauser AS, Lalam R, Martin S, Martinoli C, Mauri G, McCarthy C, McNally E, Melaki K, Messina C, Mirón Mombiela R, Neubauer B, Olchowy C, Orlandi D, Plagou A, Prada Gonzalez R, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Z, Tagliafico AS, Talaska A, Vasilevska-Nikodinovska V, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Zaottini F, Zappia M, Obradov M. Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)-part I, shoulder. Eur Radiol. 2020 Feb;30(2):903-913.
  3. Sconfienza LM, Adriaensen M, Albano D, Allen G, Aparisi Gómez MP, Bazzocchi A, Beggs I, Bignotti B, Chianca V, Corazza A, Dalili D, De Dea M, Del Cura JL, Di Pietto F, Drakonaki E, Facal de Castro F, Filippiadis D, Gielen J, Gitto S, Gupta H, Klauser AS, Lalam R, Martin S, Martinoli C, Mauri G, McCarthy C, McNally E, Melaki K, Messina C, Mirón Mombiela R, Neubauer B, Obradov M, Olchowy C, Orlandi D, Gonzalez RP, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Z, Tagliafico AS, Talaska A, Vasilevska-Nikodinovska V, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Zaottini F, Zappia M, Plagou A; Clinical indications for image guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)-part III, nerves of the upper limb. Ultrasound and Interventional Subcommittees of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR). Eur Radiol. 2020 Mar;30(3):1498-1506.
  4. Sconfienza LM, Adriaensen M, Albano D, Aparisi Gómez MP, Bazzocchi A, Beggs I, Bignotti B, Chianca V, Corazza A, Dalili D, De Dea M, Del Cura JL, Di Pietto F, Drakonaki E, Facal de Castro F, Filippiadis D, Gielen J, Gitto S, Gupta H, Klauser AS, Lalam R, Martin S, Martinoli C, Mauri G, McCarthy C, McNally E, Melaki K, Messina C, Mirón Mombiela R, Neubauer B, Obradov M, Olchowy C, Orlandi D, Plagou A, Prada Gonzalez R, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Z, Tagliafico AS, Talaska A, Vasilevska-Nikodinovska V, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Zaottini F, Zappia M, Allen G; Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)-Part II, elbow and wrist. Ultrasound and Interventional Subcommittees of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR).Eur Radiol. 2020 Apr;30(4):2220-2230.
  5. Sconfienza LM, Adriaensen M, Alcala-Galiano A, Allen G, Aparisi Gómez MP, Aringhieri G, Bazzocchi A, Beggs I, Chianca V, Corazza A, Dalili D, De Dea M, Del Cura JL, Di Pietto F, Drakonaki E, de Castro FF, Filippiadis D, Gitto S, Grainger AJ, Greenwood S, Gupta H, Isaac A, Ivanoski S, Khanna M, Klauser A, Mansour R, Martin S, Mascarenhas V, Mauri G, McCarthy C, McKean D, McNally E, Melaki K, Messina C, Mombiela RM, Moutinho R, Obradov M, Olchowy C, Orlandi D, González RP, Prakash M, Posadzy M, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Ž, Tagliafico AS, Talaska A, Tomas X, Nikodinovska VV, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Zaottini F, Zappia M, Albano D. Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)-part IV, hip. Eur Radiol. 2021 Jun 19. doi: 10.1007/s00330-021-07997-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34146140.
  6. Sconfienza LM, Adriaensen M, Albano D, Alcala-Galiano A, Allen G, Aparisi Gómez MP, Aringhieri G, Bazzocchi A, Beggs I, Chianca V, Corazza A, Dalili D, De Dea M, Del Cura JL, Di Pietto F, Drakonaki E, de Castro FF, Filippiadis D, Gitto S, Grainger AJ, Greenwood S, Gupta H, Isaac A, Ivanoski S, Khanna M, Klauser A, Mansour R, Martin S, Mascarenhas V, Mauri G, McCarthy C, McKean D, McNally E, Melaki K, Messina C, Mombiela RM, Moutinho R, Obradov M, Olchowy C, Orlandi D, González RP, Prakash M, Posadzy M, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Ž, Tagliafico AS, Talaska A, Tomas X, Nikodinovska VV, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Zaottini F, Zappia M. Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)-part VI, foot and ankle. Eur Radiol. In press
  7. Sconfienza LM, Adriaensen M, Albano D, Alcala-Galiano A, Allen G, Aringhieri G, Bazzocchi A, Beggs I, Chianca V, Corazza A, Dalili D, De Dea M, Del Cura JL, Di Pietto F, Drakonaki E, de Castro FF, Filippiadis D, Gitto S, Grainger AJ, Greenwood S, Gupta H, Isaac A, Ivanoski S, Khanna M, Klauser A, Mansour R, Martin S, Mascarenhas V, Mauri G, McCarthy C, McKean D, McNally E, Melaki K, Mombiela RM, Moutinho R, Obradov M, Olchowy C, Orlandi D, González RP, Prakash M, Posadzy M, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Ž, Tagliafico AS, Talaska A, Tomas X, Nikodinovska VV, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Zaottini F, Zappia M, Messina C. Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)—part V, knee, Eur Radiol. In press
  8. Sconfienza LM, Adriaensen M, Albano D, Alcala-Galiano A, Allen G, Aringhieri G, Bazzocchi A, Beggs I, Chianca V, Corazza A, Dalili D, De Dea M, Del Cura JL, Di Pietto F, Drakonaki E, de Castro FF, Filippiadis D, Gitto S, Grainger AJ, Greenwood S, Gupta H, Isaac A, Ivanoski S, Khanna M, Klauser A, Mansour R, Martin S, Mascarenhas V, Mauri G, McCarthy C, McKean D, McNally E, Melaki K, Mombiela RM, Moutinho R, Obradov M, Olchowy C, Orlandi D, González RP, Prakash M, Posadzy M, Rutkauskas S, Snoj Ž, Tagliafico AS, Talaska A, Tomas X, Nikodinovska VV, Vucetic J, Wilson D, Zaottini F, Zappia M, Messina C. Isaac A Clinical indications for image‑guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi‑based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)—part VII, nerves of the lower limb Eur Radiol. In press





  • 2008-2019: regular tutor, annual and biannual Ultrasound skills courses held in the UK

            (Aston University MSK Ultrasound Courses, Oxford Skills Courses in MSΚ Ultrasound,

            MSK Ultrasound Intervention Courses)

  • 2012-2013: regular tutor, annual skeletal Radiology courses of the University of Vienna
  • 2012-currently: regular tutor-ultrasound annual courses of the European Society of Skeletal Radiology.
  • 2016-2019: regular tutor-Cadaver Interventional Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Workshops, Theory and Practice.  University of Antwerp (UZA)
  • >40 other invited lectures and workshops
  • 2019-2022: Lecturer & Instructor of Anatomy & Clinical skills, Medical School, European University Cyprus




  • 2012-currently: Member of European Society of Skeletal radiology (ΕSSR) Ultrasound Subcommittee
  •  2014- currently: Member of European Society of Skeletal radiology (ΕSSR) Interventional Subcommittee
  • 2015- currently: Member of European Society of Skeletal radiology (ESSR) Educational Committee. Examiner at the ESSR Diploma
  • 2015-currently: Elected Member of the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Society of Skeletal Radiology (having served as Member, Treasurer, Vice-president)
  • 2019-2021: Member at the Evaluation Committee of the Exchange Program for Musculoskeletal Radiology of the ESOR






  • Managing the Diploma of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology
  • Actively providing MSK examination questions for the EDiR (European Diploma in Radiology)
  • Co-directing the ESSR Webinar Program
  • Representing the ESSR in the Educational Committee of the ESR (European Society of Radiology)
  • Regularly updating the chapters of the European Training Curricula for Radiology related to musculoskeletal radiology
  • Participating in the Evaluation Committee of the Exchange Program for Musculoskeletal Radiology Fellowship of the ESOR
    (European School of Radiology)
  • Ex-officio member of the ESSR’s ‘Young Club’

